woman on microphone on air typing on computer

What Is a Christian Broadcaster?

According to Google’s AI Overviews, “A Christian broadcaster is someone who uses radio or television to share Christian ideas, practices, or experiences.” But as CNET has mentioned, “Google’s new AI Overviews feature…So far, so good. The problem is, it sometimes gets stuff wrong.” In this case, I would say it’s outdated. In this blog, let’s discuss what is a Christian broadcaster, how things are changing, and what should remain.

Our team has over 25 years of combined experience working with Christian broadcasters, and my experience has taught me that a Christian broadcaster is not confined to radio or television. Christian broadcasters are people who share the message of Jesus through music, sermons, social media posts, TikToks, or other mediums.

Media is Constantly Changing

Many of us have witnessed how media has changed over the years. Traditional radio and TV broadcasting used to be the primary medium to reach audiences. Some of you would probably agree that TikTok is one of the most popular ways to reach people today. We continue to watch the internet, social media and digital streaming services change how people consume content. According to a Pew Research Center study, 89% of Americans report getting news online. This includes mediums like websites, social media, and podcasts.

A 2022 survey by Deloitte mentioned that streaming video-on-demand (SVOD) services, social media, and gaming are becoming popular sources of entertainment, especially among younger generations. These digital “entertainment” platforms offer a more personalized experience that is social, interactive, and immersive​. The shift in how we consume content highlights the need for Christian broadcasters to understand and adapt to using these platforms to broadcast the message of hope to those hurting and searching for hope.

Christian Broadcasting Beyond Radio & Television

As media continues to evolve, so does the role of Christian broadcasters. Today, being a Christian broadcaster can look very different. Here are some mediums you may use as a broadcaster:

  1. Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer opportunities to engage with your audience. Inspirational posts, sermon clips, and interactive questions can all be part of a broadcaster’s toolkit. Helping to connect and build stronger relationships with your followers.
  2. Podcasts: Christian broadcasters have started their own “off-air” shows using podcast platforms to discuss their faith on a deeper level. These shows may explore biblical topics or life challenges in a long format for listeners to enjoy on the go.
  3. YouTube / Streaming Services: Video content continues to grow in popularity. You can create channels to share sermons and devotions. Or maybe host faith-based discussions with a live audience. Plus, YouTube content is searchable, which is great for content creators and consumers.
  4. The Metaverse: Don’t let the word “Metaverse” scare you. We’ve experienced the possibilities of connecting with hurting people in the virtual space firsthand. The Metaverse allows for immersive virtual experiences. Like virtual church services, study groups, or interactive faith-based events. We host a live podcast show in the Metaverse to connect, share, and transform lives by sharing personal God experiences and life stories. This new digital landscape creates another medium for Christian broadcasters to reach a more tech-savvy audience. The Metaverse is more than a game. Below is a message sent to us on a public social feed after one of our live shows at the Killer Bee Studios. The risk of not being present on these platforms is too high.
    Metaverse Story
  5. Traditional Media: Let’s face it, traditional radio and TV still have their place today. However, some have voiced that a piece of the pie is shrinking.

The Mediums Will Change, But The Message Must Remain

Despite the changes in how we broadcast, the core message of Christian broadcasting must remain—sharing the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. This message is timeless. Whether it’s through a blog, social media post, Reel, podcast, livestream, or tweet (if that’s still a thing), the goal is to point people to Jesus. After all, that’s why we show up, isn’t it?

Your Role as a Christian Broadcaster

If you’re a Christ-follower, you are a Christian broadcaster. We must continue asking ourselves (as broadcasters for Jesus), “What message are we broadcasting across these mediums?” Every interaction is an opportunity to touch someone’s life and share the love of Christ. Remember that transformation comes by hearing the gospel. It’s not our responsibility to transform lives, but as Christian broadcasters, we have the opportunity to impact more lives across these platforms by sharing our personal Jesus experiences and life transformations. The blood of Jesus and each of our testimonies have conquering power of the enemy. Let’s never forget this, Christian broadcasters.

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony.

Revelation 12.11a

Let’s connect if you or your team need some guidance on using these mediums more effectively. We’re here to serve those who serve others.

🤖 This article is based on our own experiences, reflections and thoughts. AI was used to help research and gather additional data and insights.

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