Empower Your Team in the Digital World

Our mission is simple: to empower you and your team to use digital platforms more effectively. We understand the challenges and are here to serve as a personal guide and help you make informed decisions that align with your business goals and purpose.

On-Demand Coaching

Only 197 / per session (contract free)

  • We understand that some prefer to get coaching when they need it without the hassle of an annual contract. That's why we are offering 45 minute on-demand digital coaching service, designed to provide guidance without long-term commitments. You get the advice you need, when you need it, with complete flexibility. Our CEO will personally review your request and pair you with the ideal KBM coach, ensuring you receive the best possible coaching experience.

Consulting / Coaching

Starting at 999 / month (best value)

  • Our Consulting/Coaching Package requires an annual contract, offering priority timeslots at a discounted price. This package provides dedicated time each month for both consulting and coaching services. Coaching involves meeting with your team members for guidance and support. Consulting covers tasks and projects our team can execute for you. Both services utilize hours from your monthly timeslots. You can also add a personalized KillerAI Chatbot for an additional fee. This AI Chatbot uses the content from our discussions, allowing you to revisit past sessions easily and efficiently. For more details on how this package can meet your needs, we recommend scheduling a discovery call.