On-Demand Consulting

Take ownership and learn to do it yourself. Our On-Demand Consulting sessions empower your team to use digital platforms more effectively. Whether you're looking to refine your marketing strategy, amplify your message, or connect more authentically with your audience, our consultants are your guides.

Select a consultant that resonates with your specific needs, and let's embark on a journey together to take ownership of your digital strategy. Book your On-Demand Consulting session today and embrace the ART Framework to effectively use digital in your organization.

Our Promise:

We'll Show Up To Empower You.

Killer Bee Marketing Consultants
Brian Curee - Killer Bee Marketing Coach.png

Brian Curee

Digital Strategist & Lead Consultant

Hi, I'm Brian Curee, your guide to navigating the vast world of digital platforms, including websites, social media, content marketing, podcasting, and video sharing, with purpose and clarity at the forefront. As the CEO & Digital Strategist at Killer Bee Marketing and the creator of the ART Framework, my goal is to empower you through tailored coaching sessions. With over fifteen years of experience in digital marketing, serving businesses and organizations, with a foundation in computer science and theology, my approach is to empower your business and team to take ownership of your digital approach and purpose and to do so with confidence. I specialize in helping businesses effectively use digital by creating strategies, digital platform optimization, and community building, focusing on creating meaningful digital experiences that resonate with your audience. Whether it's enhancing your messaging & branding, guiding you in content creation, or bringing your team together to establish a unified purpose, my commitment is to empower your business to be more effective in your digital efforts. Let's embark on this journey together to transform your digital presence into one that truly connects and leaves a lasting impact.

Suggested Consulting Categories:
Marketing Strategies, Generative AI, Messaging & Branding, Integrated Digital Ecosystem, Platform Optimization, Content Creation & Curation, Engagement & Community Building, Team Integrated Vision and Synergy, Website Strategy, Graphic Design (Canva), Brainstorm Session

Platform Types:
Websites, Social Media, Video Sharing, Podcasting, Email Messaging, Messaging & Chat Platforms

Olivia Yetman

Social Media Consultant

I'm Olivia Yetman, and with over fifteen years of experience in the broadcasting industry and serving businesses as a social media consultant, I've grown a deep appreciation for the connections that social media fosters. My expertise lies in tailoring content that not only meets but anticipates your audience's needs, making each post, reel, or story a touchpoint that resonates and engages. Specializing in purpose-driven strategy, messaging & branding, digital platform optimization, and more, I'm here to guide you through crafting a social media presence that's both meaningful and impactful. My sessions are designed to bring your vision to life, offering creative and strategic insights that elevate your brand’s purpose and create some buzz. Let's work together to establish or improve your content to connect and build a lasting community around your brand.

Suggested Consulting Categories:
Social Media Strategy, Content Creation & Curation, Engagement & Community Building, Personal Branding, Brainstorm Session

Social Platforms:
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Pinterest

Olivia Yetman Social Media Coach at Killer Bee Marketing